Relationship with Argentineans
I don't know how to define it... If it's true that brothers hate and love each other at the same time, that might define our relationship with Argentineans. As to me, I like them, for the most part. And most everybody has a relative who lives or has lived (or been born) in Argentina, along with the masses that chose the neighbor country when they fleed from the military regime. Thing is... we're bonded, and that's what counts.
(Of course, we will never forgive them certain things, like taking the Comparsita as their own! ;-)
One curious thing is that we, small group of tiny country were able, along the years to influence them in ways we would have thought impossible. When I was living in Buenos Aires, they used to make fun of us, because we called sweaters "buzos", which, as defined by the dictionary, is a "diver", you know, underwater. But now, alas, we even hear on Argentina TV people talking about their hand knit "buzos"! "Pibe